Burning Faith

by Susan Clare Potts

  General / Favorable Reviews
  Critical Reviews
  last days not end of the world *****

While it might be tempting to dismiss Burning Faith by Claire Potts as another end of the world book, closer examination would prove otherwise. While the book builds on the previous work , Glory of the Olive, you don't have to read that one to enjoy this one (though you would be glad you did ). The reader quickly gets to know the characters of the story and would be hard pressed not to find one with a life parallel to one's own. Unlike the many stories today dealing with the last days the book is not "far out" but frighteningly accurate as the more radical forces of the liberal left wage war on the few left who value the word of God and follow it. While it is somewhat like the Pat Robertson book of a few years ago the characters in this book have a much more desperate mission as they struggle through the last days. Their "burning faith" puts them on a collision course with fate and holds the reader to the edge of his seat as he follows each character through daily life struggles that may soon be our own.

Barbara Ellsworth

(from amazon.com)


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